Tuesday, December 9, 2008

How funny

i know.. i have so many stories huh?!?!

So i just took a nice shower in my decent clean bathroom since I made it that way..Looking out of the window while showering.. enjoying the island nature scene and all..the nice sunny weather that I will definitely miss since it is super cold in Cali right now...

I go back in my room.. BAM someone knocks on my door..
the cleaning lady is here by request of my rooomate..
but of course I have nothing to do with this because I don't talk to her anymore
So I am not paying for this cleaning lady! because I clean my share!
and I am more than glad that she is paying her because she hasn't cleaned all semester.

She knocks on my door.. giving me attitude and it shows on her face..
why you may ask? beats me either i wondered at the moment..

K: "Excuse me?" ( i didn't understand what she was saying..the accent )
CL: " Why is there no TRASH BAG in there? do you understand ME?"
K: "Oooh, I don't know? Can you ask my rooomate?"
CL: " I have to Throw away the TRASH NOW with my BARE HANDS.. there are PADS and everything there.."
K: " oohh.. i don't know... my rooomate is over there"

close the door..why is she giving me attitude? i didn't call for you? give the beast the attitude!

i have nothing to do with it!! i don't use the trash can.. and my rooomate never puts a bag in there anyways..

soo not me so don't bother me :)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Throw DowN

Asked the rooomate to nicely be considerate for the next two weeks before i leave..
damn...doode damn..

i almost got punched in the face yo!
she went all ghetto ass crazy on me in front of staff and elders..
talk about looking bad.. i felt bad for her.. she looked bad cussing and ready to kill me..
she's becoming a doctor? seriously?
i hope karma will get to her! :D
the apartment manager thank god stepped in between her and me...

or else damage control would of been done..
details will be told and expressed when i hang out with you all .


Friday, November 28, 2008


it's gonna be all like a dream.. i am pretty suree

my life consists of
-packing all excitedly to go back home!!!
-studying or try to at least
-eat leftover foods.. it's getting really bored but i don't want to waste!
-go to classes
-in the process of re-applying/stressing all over again :)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

talk about patience...

1. I use a gas stove here.. in order to use a gas stove, you need a gas tank! my neighbors borrowed our gas tank because theirs ran out while cooking their BIG DINNER for people at school. I didn't know they borrowed it because my roommate just let them! So I waited like 4 hrs until they returned it back so i can make my OWN DINNER.. waited patiently.. very patiently.. then everyone left with the return gas tank put back into my stove...4 hrs later.. i turn it on, being excited to cook... NOOOOO. NO FREAKEN GAS LEFT. NONE LEFT!!!!!!! meaning no DINNER FOR ME.. i had to freaking improvise with my rice cooker.. inconsiderate people i swear..what if i didn't have a rice cooker?!?! the only reason i am freaken pissed is because things keep accumulating and pissing me off with these inconsiderate people. INCONSIDERATE AS HELL... don't expect me to pay for another gas tank.. you used it all up you beezies.. AND SUNDAYS, nowhere is open.. so of course I have to wait until MONDAY to be able to have gas and cook.. i mean i can order take out and crap.. but I am trying to eat all the food that I have left here before I leave. do you not think that other people use the gas tank too? you can't just give it away so that an empty one comes back, and you end up penalizing your roommate.

2. my so called bentley car is a piece of trash.. trust me. i am fair when it comes to money..if people are dumb about it, it annoys me and makes me seem frugal. but it's not true cuz i am fair!! why would i pay for gas when I hardly use it? I only use it for school and groceries and random leisure drives to the beach.. why would i pay gas for other people to drive their FRIENDS/BOYFRIENDS around everyday?!? seriously, come on now. add in more gas money yourself, don't make me contribute just as equally as you guys even though , you mainly use up all of my gas money for yourselves. And, do you not know how to keep a car clean even if it's not BMW status? What i deal with is trash! soda bottles everywhere on the passenger seat and back seat.. alcohol bottles everywhere also.. random flip flops/heels everywhere.. im telling you TRASH!! do you now know how to pick it up and throw it away for the 4 other girls that share the car also?!?! I don't even want to step into that car anymore honestly. it stinks and it's dirty.. it can be their thangg. but definitely not mine!

3. pictures to be posted of my socalled dirty apartment that I've bee
n ranting to you guys about semesterly. I have given up on cleaning after my roommate. It is obvious she doesnt take the initiative to clean herself ... and decides to leave trash everywhere in the bathroom and kitchen and living room. i mean feel free to be right at home.. but don't make me live in our pig sty.. i don't do pig sty.. if you and your local boyfriend do the pig sty thing, im glad for you guys.. oo and please im not cool with the ant harvesting you are trying to do.

I have cleaned up after her like her mother. told her to put her laundry away. told her to clean. etcc.. i've done everything that a mother would do for her. i stopped awhile ago cuz i gave up on her inconsiderateness...and of course, who else takes care of the bills? I DO I DO!!! i have to be her mom in getting money out of her hands from her bank account to make sure she gives me the money to pay the bill.. and so that she doesnt actually end up USING THAT MONEY to GO OUT!!!!!! F****** RIDICULOUS. LOL!!!!!!

so excuse how dirty my apartment is ladies and gentlemen.. i just want to show you proof of what I have to live with in the past months :) why should i clean up after her all the time?? if you want to live dirty go for it.. i will live in my CLEAN ROOM. my SANCTUARY.. i hardly even want to go out in the kitchen.. trust me.. she's lucky that I cleaned up the fridge full of her expired shit yesterday and i congregated all of her trash in several corners. LUCKY!

4. Lastly, the local boyfriend. I don't mind having him over all the time.. because I've had my share in the past in college and i know how it is.. i don't mind. but its been few months now, i don't even know this guy's name.. never talked to him.. she calls him the LOCAL is coming over to me like shes embarassed of him. i mind because he adds onto the mess. dude fucken help her clean. dont make me clean after the BOTH OF YOU. you use our place and bathroom. don't make it worst for ME.. you guys love pig stys.. i already know :)

i mean talk about testing my patience.. because of her and my more important stress. i feel like anger management is most needed soon! LOL

reminder: what you are seeing is after me being awfully nice and somewhat cleaning up all her trash/bathroom cleaning with mr.clean.. imagine this 100x worst.. i will try to capture these moments at its peak.. aka very SOON. because when i clean, it gets destroyed a few days later by her!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

just another random jog...

It's interesting how houses are built here....or maybe i have just never really been aware of how houses are built in general..
but over here.. they are built from up top first to bottom. depending on if the owners have enough money to continue on building the rest of their homes or not. It looks scary to me honestly. it looks like the house is unstable since it is sitting on top of poles ( but i know they are stronger than they look ).. it looks like the house is about to collapse anytime soon if a storm or earthquake hits the island!
As I jogged throughout the neighborhood, I encountered a lot of pretty houses.. It's interesting to see how each house is built.. some of them look like little hotels though.. which are probably apartments though.. there's so much land!! if only we had that much land in america..or at least in silicon valley....

The houses are mostly nice around my area.. aka why i live h
ere because it is a safe neighborhood compared to other parts of the island.. the last picture depicts a typical household in the less fortunate areas of the island...beware!!! they might steal your camera in a sneaky way...which was what happened with my cousin during the summer when she visited me.... freaken shady people.. but hey!! it happens in every country!! we just got unlucky that day.. that's all... :(

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

first time bus experiences..

we didn't want our car to keep sounding like a turbo rice rocket car when we drove it around the island with everyone staring at us..so our car decided that he needed to stay at the repair shop for more than a day.. ... that meant for all of us girls.. bus rides until our car is fixed again! we miss our Bentley already.. :(

As you can see, i have lightly circled in orange what buses look like over here above. They basically are big vans with 12 passenger seating. It's actually in a way convenient but knowing me.. I have my moments anywhere i go...

my first bus ride was yesterday.. it was kind of scary thinking about it because I knew that these buses would be filled with locals... looking at me like i am a foreigner of coursee. Bus Rides one way here are $2.00EC = $.75 cents US.. not bad not bad.. it was hard to get a bus to notice us on the side of the road for them to stop over and pick us up.. ( kind of like hitch hikers ) then.. as I sat down.. The bus driver busted out playing KELIS-MILKSHAKE at 8am.....the middle school kids in the back of the bus started literally shaking her boobs and dancing and bumping it....it was an 8am island bus party.. I felt like i was in a Missy Elliot Video indeed, where the asian girl tryin to study her notebook should randomly bust out with her moves eventually, joining in with the dancers... haha.. dropped us off right at school.. it was very nice of him!

Bus ride this morning.. as i climbed into the bus. i bumped my head and yelled out shit! It was a hard hit! haha... and i just sat there quietly the whole ride there...

Bus ride back home.. the one i just got back from..we had to wait around until the whole bus van got filled up with bus riders before the driver would go anywhere... interesting huh?!? so you have a bunch of buses parked at a station waiting for people to fill them up...for the amounts of bus on this island, they are the most used transportation for the locals here.... music playing = oldies/country music.. what a total change of music!!! some of the locals were actually singing to it.. it's interesting how I can randomly hear country music bumping for the island to hear from someone's household over here.. country?!?! kind of random.. i know! Rupal and I wanted to sit in the front of the bus because we didn't want to deal with people leaving in and out of the bus.. what a hassle :P It was quite nice though.. not having to drive myself.. enjoying the view and the sun with the windows open.. especially when it is a nice bus that you are riding in!!
ride safely and wisely please...:)

Friday, October 17, 2008

how do you like my new bentley!?

This is my island car that we drive around.. as my rooomate calls it.. its our Bentley!!
We both aren't used to this type of car... our AC works SOMETIMES... our radio/cd works but because there are so many ditches and crazy driving, the cd skips like crazy ( which is normal ). The seats are clean with clothed but ughh it can get dirty... the side doors sometimes are about to come off when we try to close the door...
The left front window is a tricky one.. most of the time it goes up and down easily.. but when it gets stuck.. 1. either keep clicking on the window button nonstop until it decides to close 2. both the driver and passenger to keep clicking the window's buttons to pull the window up. or 3. try to close the door again to make the window work. It's funny how this window has turned into a CAR GAME.. "Find a way to pull the window up and GO"
lastly going up the hills, this car no matter how hard you press on the gas pedal.. it moves but you gotta be patient with it.. it slowly trots up.. but it makes it.. don't worry! haha
I honestly don't even know what kind of car it is.. there's like no sign of it. All i see if japanese writing = japanese car. For being the cheapest rental car $60 bucks a person a month amongst 5 girls, it's a good deal though.. i mean all we need to do with it, is to drive back and forth to school and needs and sometimes the others take it out to go out. We can save the luxuries until we come back to America... I miss my car back home...the nice leather..the ipod jack..the nice radio system.. sunroof..automatic doors that work and just shiny clean paint on the car!!!

This is always parked in front of my school... I wish I had this Audi to drive around.. so nicee and so american and i love the simple license plate that comes with it.. haha